
  • May 17, 2020

Art4Truth represents the Art, music, and vision of Will Paradis. Will is an Artist living and working in Eugene Oregon. Art4Truth focuses on abstraction, usually non-representational abstraction, as a connection to evolving consciousness. The work incorporates compositional maximalism and fragmentalism with the intent of producing other-worldly neural stimulation. Art4truth explores the objective truths of color and form relationships, such as yellow and blue make green, and how they relate to the subjective viewing experience. This Art is also meant to act as a portal to other dimensions of consciousness and as a medium between humans and metaphysical entities.

On a personal level, I love painting and drawing, and, to be honest, playing the guitar, more than anything else. My goals are to connect people with the power of Art beyond representation, expression or feeling. I no more express my self as an Artist as an astrophysicist or geneticist express themselves as scientists. Our work is about finding truth, or taking next steps towards understanding on a level beyond our own whims and fancies. My goal is to find harmony within the paradoxes of life through Art, which I believe is the most essential paradox of all.

I dream of an Art-ocracy, or Art-archy, which is to say an Artful system of living that effects every aspect of human existence and aims to bring out the best aspects of everyone collectively while maintaining the individual spirit. We have only begun to scratch the surface of what Art is and how it can serve us if we serve it. Art and Artfulness are lacking in our economies, governments, social structures, agriculture, etc. We can have a much more harmonious world than we do now and I believe the only way to do that is through Art and Artfulness.